Reluctantly, I made a commitment to Russell Brunson...

I agreed to publish every day for 365 days, "to find my voice." I know, I'm outta my mind.  After years of being away from blogging, and not having to THINK about a blog! The choices were - podcasting, creating video on youtube, and doing facebook lives. I wasn't thrilled about the last three, and returning to blogging seemed to be the easiest option. I've always had a flair for writing, the others, although possible, would be difficult to do every day for a year.

One of the questions they were asking repeatedly was "do you get dressed every day?" and "are you camera-ready?" lol...

...So here I am again.

Currently, I am involved in Click Funnels' 30 Days Summit and subsequent "One Funnel Away Challenge." The book pictured, is the book that came several weeks after I signed on for this. Initially, there were 30 two-comma winners (people who were given two-comma awards for having built funnels that earned over $1,000,000) who were asked the question: "You suddenly Lose Everything...what would you do in 30 days to get yourself back on top?" (Something like that.)  In the members area of 30 Days, Brunson has interviews with all 30 two-comma club participants, and pdf's of their 30-day plans. (The 30 Day Summit is now closed. But you can get on the waiting list, if you're interested.)

But Brunson didn't stop there. He provided a lot of value with those interviews and plans, but he over-delivered. (That's just the way he does things!)

In mid-October, after we had been through most of the 30 participants' interviews and plans, the One Funnel Away Challenge began. This involves tasks assigned to us every day, and we are in the midst of offer creation and creating our sales funnels.

It is labor-intensive, particularly since we all have lives. And in some cases, clients. And jobs. So it will be interesting how it all shapes up.
Reluctantly, I made a commitment to Russell Brunson... Reluctantly, I made a commitment to Russell Brunson... Reviewed by Sales Grandma on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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