Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! |
Sales Funnels.
I am a Click Funnels user, and fanatic and maniac-so I am biased about what funnel building software to use. Russell Brunson is an expert at selling stuff. I mean-he started out as a kid, getting junk mail on purpose, and then developed his first funnel by selling instructions for a potato gun. And he had a few upsell offers to go with it.The whole concept behind click funnels is mind-blowing. Imagine a large corporation with an ad budget. Compare that to a small business with no ad budget. Click Funnels has given people with barely any money at all-the tools to even the playing field. Because the one who spends the most money acquiring a customer wins. But what if that money to acquire customers didn't come out of your pocket?
An example of a recruiting funnel. |
- the landing page
- an email autoresponder system so you can keep in touch & cultivate a relationship
- some offers (like a free report to gift them for giving you their email, and some upsells like books or mini trainings or a webinar masterclass), and
- perhaps even a membership/training area.
- You can offer a webinar as a part of your funnel.
- You can offer any number of products along the way.
What a funnel does is bring people to you who are looking. As they go through your funnel, your funnel works at qualifying or disqualifying them. You give them a free report, or something else of value, and as they move along in your funnel, you offer them things to buy, like a training, a book of valuable information that solve some of their problems. This process gives you the ability to make money to reinvest in ads to grow your business that doesn't come out of your pocket. Your leads pay you, whether they join you or not.
A guy who has had in sane success with this is Steve Larsen (and the reason I love him is because he's DOING IT and he also TEACHES IT in Secret MLM Hacks and on his Sales Funnel Radio podcast), but there are many others that use Sales Funnels. I'm still working on my funnel as I write this.
Youtube is owned by google, and because of that, google piles google love on youtube videos and helps you get your video content out there and seen. The beauty of youtube videos is that people searching for what you have will find you. You can build a tremendous fan base on youtube, and build your email list, too.
- Provide valuable content
- Share your experiences
- Answer questions
- Solve Problems
- Do tutorials
When you have a list, you have a pot o' gold. When people follow you, and are interested in what you have, you can pitch them and sell them things, and they will thank you for it.
- Tell them what you're going to teach them.
- Teach them.
- Give them a call to action at the end. Subscribe. If this content is valuable to you, like it, share it.
Youtube is great because people will find the content, no matter how old it is. As opposed to facebook lives (as an example), which lose their 'freshness.'
Here are some resources on building an audience on youtube
Here are some resources on building an audience on youtube
Building a following is an art, and there are gurus who teach how to do it. Building a following on facebook isn't 'automated,' although you can automate parts of it, such as using facebook messenger chatbots.
This is where I struggled for a while; I was sharing about my MLM products, and missing sharing about me. Regardless, people should be motivated to join ME. And why? Why should people join me? I need to differentiate myself from other people who are selling the same thing. I need to show up as a leader, someone truly interested in helping people with what I have to offer. When people recognize you as a thought leader, as someone who shares value, who truly cares about people and solving their problems, people will latch onto you.
And so....having a business page is all well and good, but what you really should be doing is creating a facebook fan page. And share from there. You don't even need to be sharing about your products and opportunity. You should be sharing valuable content that people can't wait to consume. I'm still working on mastering this.
Be strategic about what you put on your personal profile.
Tyson Zahner teaches a number of strategies involving social media. He's also a photographer. So he's had a successful brick and mortar business for a number of years, but he also sees the value in building residual income with network marketing.
Ray Higdon (author of Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketing: How to Stop Wasting Your Time on Things That Don't Work and Start Doing What Does! and Go for No! for Network Marketing) teaches how to grow you Network Marketing business on Facebook. He has a closed facebook group called Rank Makers (which you pay monthly to be a part of) and a blog. He does facebook lives every day in the Rank Makers group, regardless as to where he is or what he's doing. He provides incredible content, offers free reports and audios with helpful tips and information. Interestingly, he also uses a funnel to find people who are interested in learning how to be successful in network marketing. He was a top earner in his MLM and sold it to become a trainer. He teaches various network marketers in a wide variety of companies how to succeed on facebook, what to say, how to say it. His wife is a facebook expert also teaches in Rank Makers.
Speaking of books, I have to suggest this one. Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional Eric Worre is another amazing trainer and a lot of his trainings are free, in video form, and available on Facebook.
Generally, you need to create content and put it out to the world. Find what you're naturally best at, and do that. You don't have to be good at everything. Pick one, master that, and then pick another. I didn't even touch on blogging, or Instagram or Pinterest or Chatbots. All of these methods will help to attract interested hungry people to you, rather than have you chasing them. You will be top of mind as long as you're a giver and freely sharing what you've learned and what works for you. "Giving is the new selling."
I have so much more to say, but I've gotta get goin,' so TTYL. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section or go to the 'contact me' page in the menu at the top.
I have so much more to say, but I've gotta get goin,' so TTYL. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments section or go to the 'contact me' page in the menu at the top.
3 Ways To grow your MLM Business On Autopilot Without Bugging Friends & Family
Reviewed by Sales Grandma
1:18 PM
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